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Operation Joel World Missions Dinner

Missions Event

Host a Raindrop Operation Joel World Missions Breaking of Bread in Your City with Raindrop Missions. While breaking bread we will share what God is doing on the mission fields, local and abroad, through Raindrop Missions with Apostle Leonard Cheeseborough. This meal and fellowship designed to develop covenant partners of Raindrop Missions, and releasing those who are interested in working on the mission fields along with Apostle Cheeseborough as he continues to advance the Kingdom of God.

Hi: Pastors and Ministers

I am excited about opportunity of Raindrop Operation Joel World Missions Project (OJWMP) to have a mission’s fundraiser dinner or luncheon at your church or community.  We can work out the details on how we can move forward advance the Kingdom of God through OJWMP.

The mission’s fundraiser dinner held in Michigan on January 31, 2016 was a great success.  Our goal was to reach 50 people to attend the event and we exceeded our goal with over 100 people in attendance.

I would like share with you some information below about my ministry and see my attached resume as well.  OJWMP is in partnership with Randy Clark Ministry: Global Awakening. We have been under the covering of Randy Clark for the past ten years. Our primary goal of our ministry is teaching, healing and releasing impartation to encourage and prepare people to go to the nations.

Raindrop Operation Joel World Missions Network is located in Southfield, Michigan. Raindrop local ministry includes: SOZO Marriage Ministry; Raindrop Bible Institute and The International Christian Education Association. We are also on a local radio station (2002-2004; 2012 – Present), WDRJ 1440 AM Radio, Detroit Michigan. I broadcast every Wednesday from 6:30 P.M. until 7:00 P.M. We provide words of inspiration, prayer and spend time taking prayer requests and questions from our listening audience.

By the grace of God and His directions, we are currently establishing a Network of United States Fire Starters. They will assist the Raindrop Mission in moving us forward with the vision God has given me for the nations.

Raindrop Missions International Events

The focus of our mission events thus far is four-fold with the goal of reaching the four corners of the globe:

Raindrop Operation Joel World Missions Project: We are globally connecting with ministries who’s local outreach/church desires to reach God’s waiting harvest with the living bread of HIS Word, delivering His cleaning Fire of Grace and Mercy.

Focus: Teaching and training how to do the work of a mission/missionary. Those interested in participating in mission trips will be equipped through training.

Raindrop Prayer Network: Seeking 120 Intercessors for prayer for the core vision and the prayer points.

Focus: To have participants remain connected around the clock, in prayer, praying for the concerns of our mission, those on the mission field, it’s leadership, partners, programs and projects.

Raindrop Philippi Partners (Philippines 4:19): The financial and supporting arms of Raindrop. The commission is to holding back the rains of lack and losing and bringing forth the rains of sufficiency.

Focus: To develop programs, events and practices which brings a continual flow of latter-rain finances to meet the needs of the mission and those on the mission field so that they may go forth lacking nothing.

Raindrop Fire Starters: Seeking 120 Partners to support the Vision and Projects (gardening programs; Kuku, providing chickens; building water wells; transportation; health care; goat project; Bible distributions; providing grade school resources and personnel; clothing and shoe design; building infrastructures ; and providing media equipment and exposure).

Focus: Participants are asked to be the eyes, ears and feet of the ministry. Individuals are dedicated to advancing this kingdom work through Public Relations Activities, events and distribution of materials which supports this mission’s projects.

My team members are equipped and have made themselves available to accommodate any pastors who would like for them to teach, pray, or encourage others in smaller groups about missions before or after the missions event. We rejoice greatly that you are interested in having us host an event at your local church.


You may reach us by:

Phone: (248) 752-0500


With great joy and anticipation we’re looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Faithfully Submitted,

Rev. Dr. Leonard Cheeseborough

Raindrop Operation Joel World Missions Project                                                        

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